In The News

Tuesday, 02/25/2014

(February 15, 2014 – Bloomberg BusinessWeek) Major interest shown in planned Sandpiper crude oil pipeline (By: David Shaffer)

Oil producers and marketers have signed long-term commitments to ship Bakken crude oil on a proposed 600-mile pipeline across North Dakota and Minnesota, boosting the project's chances of getting built.

Shippers committed to sending 155,000 barrels of oil per day down the line, a significant share of its capacity, according to a regulatory filing by Enbridge Energy, which wants to build the $2.7 billion project by early 2016….

Monday, 02/24/2014

(February 20, 2014 – KOSU) StateImpact: How Corn, Cold Weather, and a Nuclear Disaster Caused Propane Prices to Explode (By: Nikole Robinson Carroll)

The 400,000 or so Oklahomans who rely on propane for heat know the routine: When the weather is warm, propane is cheap. When it gets cold, and demand goes up, so does the price.

But what happened this winter is unprecedented. Prices are starting to ease ...

Friday, 02/07/2014

(February 7, 2014 – The New York Times) As Propane Prices Rise, Worries Grow for Millions of Americans (By Alan Blinder)

EASTABOGA, Ala. — In the midst of one of the great natural gas drilling booms in the nation’s history, millions of Americans are struggling with a problem that is chilling their bones.

There is not enough propane, a byproduct of natural gas production and crude oil refining, to heat their homes and keep their farms running. Even while production of the fuel is up 15 percent over a year ago,...

Friday, 01/24/2014

(January 24, 2014 - Financial Times) Arctic blast fuels US propane squeeze (By: Gregory Meyer)

The US is suffering a massive squeeze on propane supplies amid freezing temperatures and soaring exports of the fuel to users as diverse as furnaces and petrochemical plants.

Prices have more than doubled in a week at a...

Monday, 01/06/2014

(January 3, 2014 - Seeking Alpha) RBN Energy's Top Predictions For 2014 (By: Michael Fitzsimmons)

RBN Energy has established itself as a top firm when it comes to analyzing energy commodities and managing risk. The company regularly publishes relevant blogs and provides consulting services. Rusty Braziel, RBN President, recently released the firm's ...
