A year ago, as New Year’s Day approached, we were looking ahead into very uncertain market conditions, having lived through a pandemic, crazy weather events, collapsing and then soaring prices, and Russia’s horrific invasion of Ukraine. Our job was once again to peer into the RBN crystal ball to see what the upcoming year had in store for energy markets. We’ll do that again in our next blog. But another part of that tradition is to look back to see how we did with our forecasts for the previous year. That’s right! We actually check our work. And that’s exactly what we’ll do today: review our prognostications for 2023.
Generally speaking, 2023 played out pretty much as we expected. Production growth came in higher than 2022. Most of the incremental output went to exports. Infrastructure that was needed got built, but not always on the expected timeline. With the exception of dirt-cheap natural gas prices, which were on the horizon last year, prices and price differentials were reasonably well behaved. We feel good about most of our market calls.
So here’s our 2023 Prognostications report card. We’ll start at #10 and work our way up to #1.
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