In The News

Sunday, 10/22/2023

October 22, 2023 – Business Insider India

Here's why gasoline prices could sink 9% by year-end despite oil's surge

By Filip De Mott

... Refinery issues are another factor. According to Robert Auers of RBN Energy, higher gasoline prices in the second quarter prompted refineries to overproduce, leading to an oversupply.

"Refiners everywhere went into max-gasoline mode, essentially, because that's what the market was telling them to do," he told Insider.

The narrative of a gas shortage even prompted speculators to...

Wednesday, 10/18/2023

October 18, 2023 – OilPrice

The Next Phase Of The U.S. Shale Revolution

By David Messler

One of the key problems inherent in this effort has been the shift producers have made in reallocating cash flow from new drilling to shareholder returns. These returns have been very popular with investors but have come at a price for reserves replacement even as Finding and Development-F&D costs for a broad cohort of shale E&Ps, have declined as the blue bars in the RBN Energy graph reveal. The sharp bump higher in RR from 2020-...

Monday, 10/16/2023

October 16, 2023 – Natural Gas Intelligence

Questions Loom Over Haynesville Production as LNG Export Capacity Surge Nears

By Jacob Dick

As U.S. LNG exporters race to be the next project built on the Gulf Coast, natural gas demand is forecast to soar through the decade, causing near-term supply and infrastructure constraints throughout the market.

Speaking at the Gulf Coast Energy Forum in New Orleans, RBN Energy LLC’s David Braziel, director of fundamental analysis, said the question is where all of the gas supply required to feed the...

Tuesday, 10/03/2023

October 3, 2023 – The Niagara Independent

Canadian oil ‘stepping out on the town’ to overseas markets as countdown on for TMX

By Deborah Jaremko

Canada’s relationship with the United States as virtually its only customer for oil exports has finally begun to break, according to a leading energy analyst. 

More volumes than ever of Canadian oil are heading overseas, but many of the tankers aren’t leaving from Canada’s shores. The oil is being “re-exported,” that is, sent to the U.S. by pipeline or rail and then loaded for international...

Tuesday, 09/26/2023

September 26, 2023 – CNBC

RBN Energy CEO says energy security is ‘top of mind’ after war in Ukraine

By Julie Coleman

CEO of RBN Energy, Rusty Braziel, told CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Tuesday that energy security has been a priority for everyone involved in the oil industry since Russia’s war with Ukraine.

“Things have changed, they’ve really changed since the Ukraine war in that energy security is now top of mind,” Braziel said. “And what that means for a lot of investors, and for the producers, and mid-streamers and end users...
