Daily Blog

Takin Care of Business – Next RBN School of Energy in Calgary

RBN’s School of Energy is headed north – all the way to Calgary.  We have reworked, restructured and reorganized the curriculum to make the conference better than ever.  And we guarantee it will be way cooler than our Houston Schools. We call it a Remix, because we have added new models, replaced some old models and enhanced them all.  But even more important, we have increased the number of model labs from one to FOUR!!  Each lab will step you through the model logic, how to input the data and how to interpret the results.  You will work through cases that will test your knowledge on how the models work.   And of course, all the course content has been updated to reflect the big changes in markets and pricing over the past few months.   Warning, today’s blog is a blatant commercial for our Calgary conference.

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