Bloomberg - Putin’s War Leaves West More Reliant Than Ever on Asian Fuel

November 28, 2022 – Bloomberg

Putin’s War Leaves West More Reliant Than Ever on Asian Fuel

By Elizabeth Low and Chunzi Xu

(Bloomberg) -- The war in Ukraine is strengthening the role of Asia and the Middle East as the world’s main providers of fuels like diesel and gasoline that are crucial to the global economy…

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…Meanwhile, rising shortages of diesel and gasoline on the US East Coast are spurring President Joe Biden to consider a mandate requiring oil companies to store more fuel within the country. The gasoline crunch is likely to worsen further toward peak summer driving season, said Rystad’s Sahdev.  Latin America’s become more reliant on imports as several refineries in the Caribbean shuttered, and facilities in Venezuela and Mexico continue to experience significant outages and low run rates, according to John Auers, managing director at RBN Energy.