RBN’s Weekly and Monthly Propane Billboard reports feature insightful commentary and analysis of historical and anticipated trends in the U.S with a deep dive into the propane supply and demand balance by PADD. It includes a custom 1-year forecast with commentary and analysis on emerging market opportunities.
The U.S. Propane Billboard Weekly report highlights the latest figures from the EIA on the same day the Weekly Petroleum Status Report is released. It provides data on inventories, prices, production, imports, exports, and demand, as well as market analysis on each. Any breaking news will also be covered in the Weekly edition, to keep you up-to-date on current events.
The U.S. Propane Monthly report is a more comprehensive dive into propane markets. While the weekly report covers production and demand as a whole, the Monthly report breaks them down into more detailed components and regions, as well as providing forecasts and a deeper assessment of the propane market.
What you get:
Both RBN’s Weekly and Monthly U.S. Propane Billboards, include propane supply and demand balances, and PADD level custom 1-year forecasts. Sectors covered in the balance include:
- Gas plant and refinery production
- Imports and exports
- Retail, industrial, PDH and petrochemical demand
- Inventories
- PADD-to-PADD flows
Annual subscribers will also receive an excel file with all the data from the supply and demand balance including the forecast.