Operator:MPLX Commodity:NGLs Stage:Operational |
In Service Date:Q3/2020 Diameter:24 inches |
Products:Y-grade Base Capacity:125 Mb/d Total Capacity:125 Mb/d |
Origin:Permian Basin (Multiple Origin Points), TX
United StatesPADD 3 Destination:Corpus Christi, TX
United StatesPADD 3 |
BANGL (MPLX/Whitewater Midstream) leases cpacity on EPIC NGL pipeline from Orla, TX to Benedum, TX.
BANGL, owns and operates 30% of EPIC pipeline capacity from Benedum, TX to Gardendale, TX through a UJI agreement with EPIC.
BANGL leases capacity on EPIC from Gadendale, TX to Corpus Christi, TX