Surviving the Flood of Light Crude Oil

surviving the flood of light crude energy conference

August 19-20, 2014 - The Houstonian - Houston, TX

Light, sweet crude oil is flooding into the Gulf Coast region, wreaking havoc with refinery operations, transportation infrastructure and markets. Unthinkable little more than three years ago, the Shale Revolution has unleased a torrent of light crude from the Bakken, Eagle Ford, Permian and other plays. The result is an imbalance of light versus heavy oil supplies on the Gulf Coast. What are the challenges for refiners? Where are the opportunities for midstreamers? What are the price implications for the market?

To answer these questions and many more, two of the most respected authorities in the energy business – RBN Energy and Turner Mason - have joined forces to host Surviving the Flood of Light Crude Oil, a premiere event to be held in Houston, Texas on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 19-20, 2014.

For additional information about the conference including a schedule and list of speakers, click the brochure to the right.

Presented by:

rbn energy
turner mason and company

Registration Information

Registration Fees

Early Bird
After July 15




Discounted Lodging

RBN Energy has reserved a limited number of rooms at The Houstonian for a discounted rate of $189 per night, not including taxes. This rate will be honored through July 29, 2014, depending on availability. Hotel reservations must be made directly through The Houstonian (800.231.2759). Please mention this event.