Blog Finder

Title Author Categorysort descending Date Relevance
Knocking on Heaven’s Door – The Eagle Ford Crude Story Part II Sandy Fielden July 25, 2012 1.00
Knocking on Heaven’s Door – The Eagle Ford Story Part IV Transport to Market Sandy Fielden August 13, 2012 1.00
Power Burn Sensation Continues After Close Shave for Coal-to-Gas Switching Sandy Fielden August 14, 2012 1.00
Railing Against the Pipelines – How New Rail Terminals Evaporated the Bakken WTI Discount Sandy Fielden August 15, 2012 1.00
New York New York - Start Spreading the Sparks Sandy Fielden August 16, 2012 1.00
Heaven Sent Blend – A Mars/Eagle Ford Mix Sandy Fielden August 20, 2012 1.00
From a Famine of Pipeline to a Feast of Rail - Giving Thanks for Bakken Delivery Sandy Fielden November 19, 2012 1.00
Internationals buying up N.A. Hydrocarbon Plays Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons January 4, 2012 1.00
How big could the gap between crude and gas go? Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons January 5, 2012 1.00
Watch out OPEC! The Shale Revolution is After Your Market Share Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons February 6, 2012 1.00
Back to the Future – What happened to Bakken and Canadian Crude Prices? Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons February 8, 2012 1.00
Neither Fish nor Fowl – Condensates Muscle in on NGL and Crude Markets Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons February 28, 2012 1.00
Shale Revolution Drives Investment Opportunities across the Energy Supply Chain – RBC Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons March 23, 2012 1.00
Rockies Crude and NGL markets: Pipelines, Trains, and Trucks Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons April 12, 2012 1.00
The Domino Effect: New Hydrocarbon Interdependencies Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons April 20, 2012 1.00
Lightning Round- Sell. Sell. Sell. – Outlook for Natgas, NGLs and Crude Oil Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons May 16, 2012 1.00
Making Lemonade. LNG Exports Could Change Everything Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons May 17, 2012 1.00
Easy Come Easy Go – Crude to Gas Ratio Back Down to Earth Again? Sandy Fielden Hydrocarbons August 8, 2012 1.00
Into 2013 - Tracking the Big Trends in Hydrocarbon Markets: Spotcheck Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons December 25, 2012 1.00
The Hydrocarbon Top 40 – And a Big Index of 2012 RBN Blogs Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons December 30, 2012 1.00
