Blog Finder

Title Author Category Datesort ascending Relevance
Making Lemonade. LNG Exports Could Change Everything Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons May 17, 2012 1.00
Lightning Round- Sell. Sell. Sell. – Outlook for Natgas, NGLs and Crude Oil Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons May 16, 2012 1.00
I'm a Believer - Rebirth of natural gas feedstock demand Rusty Braziel Natural Gas May 15, 2012 1.00
Jane you ignorant II - Surplus ethane until 2018? Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids May 14, 2012 1.00
Rail it on over to Albany – Moving Bakken East Rusty Braziel Crude Oil May 14, 2012 1.00
Lumpy - Soaking Wet – Moving Fast – that’s Eagle Ford NGLs? Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids May 10, 2012 1.00
Jane you ignorant ….. Surplus ethane until 2018? Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids May 9, 2012 1.00
Plains All American in the Bakken - Putting the Pieces Together Rusty Braziel Crude Oil May 8, 2012 1.00
Rock Bottom - Zero netback for Conway Ethane in E-P Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids May 7, 2012 1.00
Monitor-Monitor on the Wall, Who’s the Cheapest Hydrocarbon of All? Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids May 6, 2012 1.00
Bust out the red Solo cups - 4X the energy, 4X the revenue, 4X the fun Rusty Braziel Natural Gas May 3, 2012 1.00
A time for Gas, a time For Crude – Part 2 Rusty Braziel Natural Gas May 2, 2012 1.00
A time for Gas, a time For Crude. It’s the season for pipeline conversions. Rusty Braziel Natural Gas May 1, 2012 1.00
A Bright Spot for Natural Gas. Futures up. S/D Balance Bullish Kyle Cooper Natural Gas April 30, 2012 1.00
When liquids are not liquids. The Bakken-Alliance-Aux Sable connection Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids April 26, 2012 1.00
What Was Down is Now Up. What happened to natural gas shutins? Rusty Braziel Natural Gas April 25, 2012 1.00
Independence Day – U.S. & Canada crude oil self-sufficient in 5 years? Rusty Braziel Crude Oil April 24, 2012 1.00
Fly Like an Eagle Ford. Production headed toward 1.5 MMb/d. Could there be more? Rusty Braziel Crude Oil April 23, 2012 1.00
Just the Facts, Ma'am – Natural Gas is Leaving Coal in the Dust. But will coal retaliate? Rusty Braziel Natural Gas April 22, 2012 1.00
The Domino Effect: New Hydrocarbon Interdependencies Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons April 20, 2012 1.00
