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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Rusty Braziel Natural Gas February 20, 2012 1.00
Ohhhh noooo..., it’s an OFO! How Pipeline Operational Flow Orders will shape the natural gas glut Rusty Braziel Natural Gas February 21, 2012 1.00
Hydrocarbons gone wild! What happens when the crude/gas ratio breaks through 50X? Rusty Braziel Natural Gas February 24, 2012 1.00
A Perfect Storm in the Bakken. Why did crude oil prices crash at Clearbrook and Guernsey? Rusty Braziel Crude Oil February 27, 2012 1.00
Neither Fish nor Fowl – Condensates Muscle in on NGL and Crude Markets Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons February 28, 2012 1.00
Keep Truckin' like the Doo Dah Man. The economics of crude oil trucking in the Permian. Rusty Braziel Crude Oil February 29, 2012 1.00
SPR Roach Motel – Barrels check in but they don’t check out: Shale Oil-The SPR-and the Jones Act Rusty Braziel Crude Oil March 1, 2012 1.00
You're doin' fine, Oklahoma! Oklahoma OK: Crude oil supply, Cushing storage, and the WTI-Brent Arb Rusty Braziel Crude Oil March 2, 2012 1.00
Turn, Turn, Turn Around. US NGL industry headed toward volatile spring turnaround season, in both volumes and prices. Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids March 6, 2012 1.00
It Ain’t Heavy, It’s the Bakken – What does the huge shift to light crude production mean for refinery runs, price differentials and margins? Rusty Braziel Crude Oil March 7, 2012 1.00
Natural gas prices have crashed to 10 year lows-again. Are sub-$2.00 prices just around the corner? Rusty Braziel Natural Gas March 8, 2012 1.00
It's a Bitumen, oil - Does it go too far? It might not matter anyway. Where is the natural home for Canadian oil sands crude oil? The Gulf Coast? Rusty Braziel Crude Oil March 9, 2012 1.00
See the Tech Trader page for today's posting Rusty Braziel Industry March 14, 2012 1.00
Resistance is Futile. Must natural gas producers and power generators collectively pull 6.5 Bcf/d out of the market to avoid storage Armageddon? Rusty Braziel Natural Gas March 15, 2012 1.00
Half full or half empty? Will it be supply or demand that balances the natural gas glut? It makes a difference. Rusty Braziel Natural Gas March 16, 2012 1.00
The Golden Age of Natural Gas Processors – NGLs in a 50X Crude-to-Gas Ratio World Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids March 18, 2012 1.00
The Golden Age of Natural Gas Processors – NGLs in a 50X Crude-to-Gas Ratio World – Part II Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids March 20, 2012 1.00
The Golden Age of Natural Gas Processors – NGLs in a 50X Crude-to-Gas Ratio World – Part III Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids March 22, 2012 1.00
Shale Revolution Drives Investment Opportunities across the Energy Supply Chain – RBC Rusty Braziel Hydrocarbons March 23, 2012 1.00
The Golden Age of Natural Gas Processors – NGLs in a 50X Crude-to-Gas Ratio World – Part IV Rusty Braziel Natural Gas Liquids March 25, 2012 1.00
