RBN Energy Media Kit

Why Advertise With RBN?

RBN’s advertisement options offer qualified companies the opportunity to reach our community of 40,000 energy professionals! Our community members represent the entire energy value chain – upstream, midstream and downstream – from the independents to the majors to the IOCs, as well as the breadth of companies invested in the energy space, including banks and private equity. And while most of our members are commercially involved, we also attract researchers, academics and individuals who are learning about the energy space for the first time. We offer unique options for companies to share their message with the RBN Energy community, sidebar, inline ads, and Sponsored Blogs. A recent email ad campaign received ~500 clicks per week, and a recent Sponsored blog received ~1k views per week. Learn more about these options below!

About the Daily Blog

Our blog is a market commentary from a member of our RBN Contributor team that dives deep into the details about energy market trends, the mechanics of how energy markets function, and the workings of economic and operational energy models. We do our best to make these postings timely, interesting, and informative; but above all, we provide useful insights to help our readers better understand the relationships driving energy markets today. Access to our postings is absolutely free, and our readers are able to forward their daily emails along to colleagues—and they do. Currently, there are almost 40,000 people who receive the blog via email each day. If you would like to inquire about advertising on the RBN website, please email info@rbnenergy.com.

Audience Demographics

Job Function Breakdown

Industry Breakdown

Age Range

Age Range

Daily Blog Distribution List
Average Monthly Users
Unique Monthly Pageviews
Average Daily Pageviews

Social Media

6,907 Twitter Followers
95K Monthly Twitter Impressions
469 Facebook Followers
2K Monthly Facebook Impressions
11,092 Linkedin Followers
102K Monthly Linkedin Impressions
1,437 Instagram Followers
950 Instagram Images

Ad Pricing & Placement

Our digital ad options put your company’s message in front of thousands of qualified energy professionals every day. With placement on RBN’s blog page, your company will have access to our full community of readers who can connect directly from our website to yours just by clicking on your ad. With sidebar and inline ads available with posting lengths ranging from one week to one year, we have the option for you.

Download Media Brochure for Pricing

Sponsored Blogs

Our Sponsored Blogs give you the opportunity to inform our readers about the new and exciting developments your company will have in the energy markets. We only post one Sponsored Blog at a time, so you will have exclusive prime real estate on the front page of our website for 1-10 business days. After the front-page access, your blog will remain on our site indefinitely for readers to access in the public archives. To make sure your post is as impactful as possible, we will assign a senior RBN editor to work with you to ensure your blog is in line with the writing style our readers have come to expect and enjoy. Sponsored Blogs are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so contact us today!

Download Sponsorship Brochure for Pricing

RBN Events & Sponsorship Opportunities

RBN’s exclusive events bring together the very best and brightest in the energy industry. Past events have included a surprisingly unique and diverse group of U.S. and international professionals who encompass nearly every facet and level of the energy industry.

The types of companies and organizations represented include: producers, midstream companies, petrochemical companies, government agencies, banks, private equity funds, hedge funds, petrochemicals, terminal and tank car service providers, pipe and oil field equipment manufacturers, green energy developers, refiners, energy traders, and universities. Sponsoring these events is an excellent way to build brand recognition through an on-site display and promotional materials.

Click here for more details on sponsorship opportunities.